Operation Winter Warmers

Operation Winter Warmers

In Chapel this week students presented our Operation Winter Warmers donations to our chosen charity – Edon Place. Heather from Edon place visited chapel commenting on how Chapel is such a refreshing and inspiring way to start the day. Students have been excited to be...
Grandparents Morning Tea

Grandparents Morning Tea

Many thanks to the Grandparents, Parents and Special Friends who came to our Grandparents Morning Tea. Our students enjoyed performing their musical pieces for you and were thrilled to have the special people in their lives at their school.
Th Golden Rule

Th Golden Rule

It was a joy to have Faye and Trevor at Chapel on Wednesday so we could thank them for the beautiful painting of “God’s 10 Rules”. Faye had spoken to the children previously about God’s 10 Rules and it was met with such enthusiasm Faye asked her daughter to create...
Fire Brigade Visit

Fire Brigade Visit

This week we were fortunate to have a visit from the Bundaberg Fire Department. Students received a lesson on fire safety and were very excited to inspect the fire truck. Then it was onto the fire hose to test out their new-found fire-fighting skills.


Book Week finished with plenty of razzle dazzle on Friday as students arrived at school with beaming faces and colourful costumes. Many thanks to students, staff and parents for their great efforts in helping to instil a love of books in our young ones.