The Process
We believe that enrolment should be the easiest part of the process, so we endeavor to make it as simple and enjoyable as possible. Here is a snapshot of the process
Step 1: Make An Enquiry & Book A School Tour
Your experience starts by getting in touch with our office administration, they will answer your enquiry and book you in for an appointment with the Principal (click here to skip to our contact details).
As a special note to parents interested in our School, we offer a ½ day trial in the classroom your child/ren can experience our school first-hand.
Step 2: Appointment with the Principal
At this appointment you will:
- Ask any questions you may have
- Tour the school
- Meet teachers
Please note: Bring your child’s previous school reports to this meeting, including any other relevant information such as sports awards, academic awards, social awards and so on.
Step 3. The Paperwork
Complete an enrolment form (below) and include related documents i.e. school reports, immunisation records and birth certificate and pay the application fee of $50. The enrolment form is forwarded to our enrolment committee. You will be notified of the outcome shortly after receiving the enrolment form.
Please note: The application fee will go off your child’s fees once they are enrolled.
Step 4: Let the Learning Begin!
Be welcomed as part of our school family. Your child is ready to get started on their new journey at Hope Adventist School!
Please note: All students enrolling at Hope Adventist School are on a three-month probation. Continuation of the enrolment is dependent on them abiding by the Code of Conduct.

Frequently Asked Questions
Deciding on the education of your child is one of the most important decisions you can make. At Hope Adventist School, we do all we can to provide you with the support and information you need to choose what is best for your child.
We have put together answers to the most frequently asked questions we receive about our school. However, this is just a start – our Principal and friendly staff are always available to answer any queries you may have, so please don’t hesitate to call or book a school tour.
Do I have to be a Seventh-day Adventist to attend the school?
Hope Adventist School is open to all families from different cultural and denominational backgrounds.
What does Seventh-day Adventist Education mean?
The special character of Hope Adventist School reflects the Christian beliefs, values and lifestyle of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. More than 100 years ago the Adventist Church developed a ‘blueprint’ for holistic education. This plan acknowledged the importance of not only the intellectual but also the spiritual, physical, social and emotional dimensions of education. Hope Adventist School echoes this ‘blueprint’ by maintaining a balance between all these different dimensions. This allows us to develop well-rounded and confident young people who not only love life at school but also have the potential for a successful and fulfilling future.
I have heard that Seventh-day Adventists follow special dietary requirements. What are these and will my child be required to follow them?
At Hope Adventist School, we uphold and promote healthy lifestyle choices which include abstinence from tobacco, drugs and alcohol. Many Adventists also choose a plant-based diet. Our tuckshop provides an all-vegetarian menu to our students, children are allowed to pack and bring to school whatever healthy food they choose for themselves.
Is the Adventist church any different to other Christian churches?
The Seventh-day Adventist Church is a Protestant Christian denomination. We do, however, have some distinguishing attributes. Most notably, the Adventist Church worships on a Saturday, the original Sabbath observed in the Bible, rather than on a Sunday. Also, since the 1860s when the church began, wholeness and health have been an emphasis of the Adventist church. The Bible is the sole source of our doctrinal teaching but at Hope Adventist School we also utilise works by other Christian authors in our devotional times.
Does my child have to participate in Bible and Chapel?
Each day begins with class worship, Chapel, or Assembly. Bible classes are part of a planned curriculum called Encounter. The Christian values taught during these classes enable our students to make wise decisions in their day-to-day lives and help to build strength of character for their future.
Why do you have composite classes?
Research has shown that composite classes can be beneficial for a large number of children. Composite classes encourage peer mentoring and the development of leadership qualities as well as extending and supporting students who would otherwise be left behind their grade level.
Do students have the opportunity of interacting with other Schools?
We have a good relationship with other Christian Schools. Students are given the opportunity to interact with other schools through local sporting events, school camps and excursions.
What do the School Fees include and is it affordable?
Hope Adventist School provides quality, high value private education. We would encourage you to compare our fees with other schools. Assistance may be applied for through the Business Manager – Email: angela.sen@hope.qld.edu.au
It is a myth that State Schools offer free education. State schools will often charge for:
- Stationery
- Excursions
- Swimming lessons
- Reading Eggs
- Mathletics
At Hope Adventist School there is no need for the mad dash to the shops at the beginning of the year, these items and activities are included in our school fees.
Ready to enrol?
If you would like a school tour, all you need to do is call us on
07 4151 7311 or submit the form on this page.
If you are looking for the Enrolment forms you can find them here.